Fibonacci circle is a pattern which is created on the base of
Fibonacci spiral square tilling and Fibonacci spiral. Fibonacci circle
is designed similarly to Fibonacci spiral using the frame of Fibonacci
spiral square tilling. The difference between both designs is: The
spiral is drawn with quarter-circle arcs inscribed in the squares and
Fibonacci circle is constructed with whole circles [1]. The design of
Fibonacci circle on the frame of Fibonacci spiral square tilling is
presented in Figure 1. The pattern without frame is shown in Figure 2.
Similarly to Fibonacci circle the Golden circle can be created on the
base of the Golden spiral [2].
Figure 1: Fibonacci circle, designed on the base of Fibonacci spiral square tilling.
Figure 2: Fibonacci circle without the frame of Fibonacci spiral square tilling.

Fibonacci circle can be applied in Fashion design similarly to other
Fibonacci geometry creations as symbols of beauty and harmony.
Figure 3 presents a design of a lady's dress with an
application of Fibonacci circle. The circles are designed in one size
and are arranged in a linear rhythm in vertical direction along the
whole length of the dress. The front neckline is formed with a circle
arc with diameter equal to the biggest of the circles in the used
pattern of Fibonacci circle. Fibonacci circles are designed in two
colors as both colors are alternated. Another bi-colors combination for
Fibonacci circle is shown in Figure 4. The circles can be designed in
four colors like it is presented in Figure 5 where the circles in every
of the four directions are colored in particular hue.
Figure 3: A lady's dress with Fibonacci circles.
Figure 4: Fibonacci circle in two colors.
Figure 5: Fibonacci circle in four colors.
The Fibonacci circle can be applied in fashion design in variety of
rhythms (linear, on the base of square and triangle sets, spiral one,
and etc. according to the types of symmetry and proportions), various
color combinations, and in different proportion and directions according
to the clothing pieces. The other elements and pieces of the garments
can be formed according to Fibonacci circle.
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