Wednesday 31 October 2018

Getting to Health through Integrative Practices: (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers


Traditional medical practitioners far outnumber practitioners of allopathic medicine in most parts of the South World. They are thus, de facto, the world’s most popular form of primary care. This chapter discusses the re-emergence of traditional/integrative1 healthcare around the world. Within ‘post’-colonial societies, traditional health knowledge has re-emerged in the context of nationalist struggles for independence and a growing interest in natural health care, amongst other trends. As South World people2 become more self-reliant, interest in indigenous health practices develops. Concomitantly, as critiques of allopathic medicine’s side-effects develop, interest in natural and spiritual forms of healthcare grows. However, those who can access allopathic care almost always choose to blend it with traditional medicine. This chapter critically explores the fundamental concept of and the increasing popularity of integrative healthcare practices particularly within South World societies. We touch on the re-integration of traditional and modern health knowledge and how this trend is simultaneously occurring all over the planet. While colonialism negatively impacted the work of traditional medical practitioners Shroff et al. [1], in contemporary times, youth as well as elderly people are digging deep into their roots to find answers to modern problems. It is challenging to piece together bits of verbal knowledge handed from one generation to the next so gaps in knowledge inevitably exist. Regardless, knowledge evolves, and changes are made to virtually all practices as a result. As new diseases and problems arise, wholistic health care is trying to adapt to these challenges. Blending the evolved practices of integrated healthcare with modern day conceptualizations of body and mind, today’s wholistic health practitioners have a much better toolkit than they ever had. This bodes well for health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation of societies around the world.

An Acupuncture Prescription Suggested for Treating Primary Dysmenorrhea: (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers

Primary dysmenorrhea (PM) is the issue that needs attention because most of the women during reproductive age are affected with it, causing discomfort in daily life. Acupuncture has been seen as an alternative therapy and been considered “essential health benefits” in the western countries with more and more popularity, which has confirmed TCM and acupuncture effective as Western medications for PM. However, all the TCM and acupuncture must follow pattern identification for the best results.

The Study of Parameters and Reliability of Low-intensity Irrigation in the Conditions of Azerbaijan: (OAJESS)-Lupine publishers

In recent years, both in the Republic and in the CIS and far abroad are developing low-intensity stationary systems of irrigation, consisting of Micro Sprinklers, impulsive actions, aerosol auto oscillatory action sprinkling irrigation, auto oscillatory action auto oscillatory action combined, the drip, drip pulsing and a number of others. This is because low irrigation system has a number of significant advantages over other methods of irrigation. Especially promising the creation of automated sprinkling systems impulse machines, combined, auto oscillatory action stepper auto oscillatory action rocker type, pulse-airborne apparatus auto oscillatory action, etc. It should be noted that these systems allow to reduce the capital cost of their construction, also ensure the principle as “sprinkling” or “drip” in condition of daily water use plants. That is to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants during their growing season.

About the Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex, their Association with Sleep Bruxism and the Reason Why Clinicians Treating Sb Should Consider a Careful Examination in Order to Decide Properly How to Adequately Follow these Patients: (OJNBD) - Lupine Publishers

Although well established as a neurogenic reflex pursuing a cardiovascular protective control in physiological conditions, trigemino-cardiac reflex (TCR) mechanisms and its clinical significance remains unclear This powerful brainstem oxygen-conserving autonomic reflex usually manifests as sudden onset of hemodynamic changes on heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) and has been associated to arrhytmias, asystole, apnea and disturbed gastric mobility [1].

Physiology of Sleep and Clinical Characteristics: (OJNBD) - Lupine Publishers

Physiology of Sleep and Clinical Characteristics by Miranda Nava Gabriel in Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders in Lupine Publishers

Sleep is defined as a natural decrease in the perception [1] of the external environment that occurs periodically and reversibly, but retaining a certain degree of reactivity towards the environment and autonomous functions [2]. Sleep is considered an active process of biological, cyclical and, it is essential for survival. Most adults require an amount of sleep between 7-8 hours per day; however, there are individual variations regarding the schedule, duration, and internal structure of the dream [3].

Sleep Problems and Road Accidents: (OJNBD) - Lupine Publishers

Traffic accidents are considered a public health problem and demonstrate several causative factors that include sleep deprivation, hours and hours of driving without rest, drugs with sedative action (anxiolytics, hypnotics, tricyclic antidepressants and antihistamines), sleep disorders (SAOS, narcolepsy), and alcohol consumption. There is a growing concern regarding Health and Safety in the Transport Sector with respect to drivers who, in their work performance, show a high risk of incidents due to drowsiness. Numerous studies show excessive sleepiness in public service drivers due to changes in the circadian rhythm and a high frequency of OSAS [1]. Excessive sleepiness and sleep deprivation are considered high risk factors for the development of suicidal ideation and behaviour.

The Importance of A Good Sleep” (or Also of Why the Pope Should Learn to Give Habits to Their Children) : (OJNBD) - Lupine Publishers

Since we become parents at the same time we become a mirror of the potential actions that our children can carry out; do not be surprised when we see our children raving at very early stages when watching a football match when we do it religiously on each Sunday, with its respective repetition on cable TV, the summary in “action” or even the controversy in “the move”. It also repeats the fact that to be drinkers or smokers our offspring by imitation do so with the typical conscience of “...if he can, why do not me ...?” And we believe that there is a genetic factor, which explains it, when the cry of the example is so strong that it silences the other voices of science.

Understand the Insomnium: (OJNBD) - Lupine Publishers

In the international classification of sleep disorders we place insomnia as the first point, which we define as the inability to initiate, maintain or even consolidate sleep; this is best explained in the following paragraphs. When we arrived at the bed we put on our sleepwear, some pyjamas, other rompers, and the least with underwear to feel comfortable; the TV goes off, we kiss good night and turn off the light, and that’s when it starts, if man, that difficulty to fall asleep immediately, to see the roof, hear the horn of the passing truck and not be able to finish that moment of every day; and go that one despairs, we get bad and the time passes until eleven or even twelve, even more, of the night and that is when we can finally close our eyes, which I do not even tell dear reader the obviousness of the next day he is sleepy during working hours; it is what is called insomnia of onset.

Pupil Functions in Diabetes Mellitus (TOOAJ)- Lupine Publishers

Pupil is innervated by autonomic nerve system. As a result, its dimension or actions well reflects the autonomic nervous system function. Pupillary autonomic neuropathy is considered an early symptom of the development of systemic autonomic neuropathy. Pupil tests present suitable and easy methods for evaluation of autonomic nervous system function. Most patients with autonomic nervous system disorders show data of sympathetic or parasympathetic deficits in the pupil, and these findings can be detected using a combination of clinical signs, pupillometric and pharmacological tests.

Temporal and Spatial Variability of Global Upper Ocean Freshwater Content (MAOPS)- Lupine Publishers

Observational salinity data from the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) are used to identify temporal and spatial variability of the upper ocean freshwater content (FWC). First, the optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) is used to build up monthly synoptic temperature and salinity data set from January 1990 to December 2009 on 1o×1o grids and the same 33 vertical levels as the World Ocean Atlas 2005. Then, the monthly varying upper layer FWC fields (F) with four different layer thicknesses (surface to 50, 100, 300, and 700 m depths) are obtained. Second, a composite analysis is conducted to obtain the totaltime mean FWC field ( F ) and the mean annual FWC variability ( F ), which is found an order of magnitude smaller than F . Third, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) method is conducted on the residue data ( ˆF ), deviating from F + F , in order to obtain non-annual variability of the FWC fields. The first two EOF modes account for 63.6-76.4% and 6.7-6.8% of the variance for the four layer thicknesses, representing near-global scale (EOF-1, dominant mode) and northern-southern alternative (EOF-2, minor mode) freshening/salinization events. The near-global scale freshening/salinization has a decadal trend from salinization before 2002 to freshening after 2002. The northern-southern alternative freshening/salinization does not have evident trend.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Obsag) in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at The General Hospital, Amaku, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria (IPDOAJ) - Lupinepublishers

This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of HBsAg among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at General Hospital in Agba, Ekwulobia, Anambra State. Two hundred pregnant women who consented voluntarily after thorough explanation of the purpose of the study were recruited for this study. The samples were tested for the presence of antibodies using rapid Dia Spot HBsAg rapid test strip developed by Dia Spot Diagnostics, USA and ClinotechHBsAg (Clinotech diagnostics, Richmond, Canada). Analysis of the result showed that 23(11.5%) of the pregnant women had HBsAg. Statistical analysis, however, showed no significant difference between the prevalence and the age of patients, parity, trimester and type of family. The frequency of HBY carriers did not vary significantly with the Use of condoms and contraceptives. However, there was a significant frequency variation in the distribution of HBsAg between those that have previous history of transfusion, operation, circumcision and those who never had history of operation, transfusion or circumcision Therefore, the need to institute public health measures to reduce disease burden and transmission, including routine screening of all pregnant mothers for HBV infection and early passive-active immunization of babies born to HBsAg-positive mothers are advocated.

How Important are the Primary Teeth? (IPDOAJ) - Lupinepublishers

White and beautiful pearls that appear for the first time in the sixth month on the lower gingiva are the primary teeth that erupt after one another until the age of two. These teeth should remain in the mouth without any problem until the eruption of the permanent teeth so that have the proper function

A Review on Nerve Conduction Studies: (SJPBS)- Lupinepublishers

Electrophysiological measurements are indispensable tool for investigating the functional integrity of peripheral nerves in both clinical and laboratory environments. Nerve conduction study is a property of both the axons and myelin sheath. The nerve conduction velocity is highly dependent on rapid signal propagation enabled by myelination. The compound motor action potential (CMAP) which correlates with the number of functional axons is an indicator for axonal damage when significantly reduced. Because nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is sensitive to both myelin sheath and axonal changes, it is an excellent measure of the function of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve conduction studies may be diagnostically helpful in patients suspected of having almost any peripheral nervous system disorder including disorders of nerve roots, peripheral nerves, muscle and neuromuscular junction. Cranial nerves and spinal cord function may also be assessed. Here, we mentioned the components and properties of nerve conduction study.

Her Caribbean Blues: The Female Prison Experience: (SJPBS)- Lupinepublishers

In recent history, women were considered the “forgotten offenders.” However, a number of global-political changes have led to an increase in the female prison population; subsequently, this population has become the focus of considerable research. Even so, little inquiry has examined how females experience prison, as well an examination of the female prison experience in developing countries, where the penal culture is significantly different from the U.S., is even more limited. Conversely, both classic and contemporary prison studies have well documented the social world of male offenders, particularly how males experience prison and the perils of imprisonment. This exploratory study examines the ways women in a Caribbean nation experience prison and the challenges they encounter while in prison. Findings indicate that the women faced multiple changes, however, two broad challenges related to their incarceration were prominent. These included the threat of losing pieces of their social identity and trying to cope with a penal culture that threatened to reshape how these women viewed themselves.

Challenge of Water Shortage in the World and Azerbaijan and Scientific Practical Solution (MAOPS)- Lupine Publishers

RAE Z H Aliyev in MAOPS- Lupine Publishers

The rapid growth in world population and limitation of soil and water resources have caused major problem for human nutrition security in the world. Only 3% of water resources are fresh water. Accoding to the FAO report, if in the any country Amount of fresh water is less than 1700m3 per capita, this country is faced to serous water shortage. At the present, in the 22 countries share of fresh water per capita is less than 100m3 and in the 18 countries is more than 2000m3. Therefore, Azerbaijan is one of the countries which have faced serous water shortage.The rapid growth in world population and limitation of soil and water resources have caused major problem for human nutrition security. Some 40% of the world’s land surface is used for the purposes of keeping all 7 billion of us fed.

Guide Lines for Wet AMD Treatment (TOOAJ)- Lupine Publishers

To give practical guide lines for the management of neovascular AMD.Macular laser photocoagulation [Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS) can result in preventing severe loss of vision in about 50 percent of treated patients with extra/ juxta foveal CNV, with about 50 percent of patients developing recurrent choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM).Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin acts via activating a photosensitizing dye within the pathologic vessels by infrared laser leading to occlusion of choroidal new vessels with minimal damage to the retina. PDT can prevent 3-line vision loss in about 49 to 77 percent of treated patients but seldom improves vision .With the establishment of VEGF as the main cause for the development and progression of neovascularization, novel agents to block them and thereby preventing further progression was sought for. With the advent of anti-VEGF agents, the treatment for neovascular AMD has completely changed, with dramatic outcomes.

Monday 29 October 2018

Investigating China and United States Students Cultural Learning Beliefs: Focus on Habits and Time Factor: (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers


Chinese students are generally known to be working harder, spending more time on academic activities and having a stronger commitment to educational goals than their American counterparts. The Confucian culture of learning, coupled with social and economic pressures, compel Chinese youths to place much greater emphasis on educational attainment. Drawn on survey data gathered from university students in both the USA and China, this study explores how study habits formed during school years affect time allocation decisions made by university students. We use samples of Shanghai and NYC college students to investigate young adults’ perceptions and attitudes toward the allocation of time between independent academic activities (studying and reading) and non-study activities (social networking, video gaming, and TV watching). The results appear to support claims that Chinese university students spend a greater time on independent academic activities than their US counterparts

Looking into the Historical Warning of Prohibition of Moxibustion at ST36 From Xiao Er (Little Child): (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers


ST36 is the most commonly used acupoint for tonification. The warning Prohibition of moxibustion at ST 36 from Xiao Er (little child) is firstly presented in Lei Jing Tu Yi in 1624 and has been discussed for more than three hundred years, but up to now there has not been any detailed information to verify it. Following TCM theories this study presents some explanations like moxibustion at  ST36 may damage eyesight and digestion, including metabolism and scientific evidence. In addition, factors like the dosage of moxa,  the quality and patterns of patients should be taken into consideration for research in the future.