Friday 1 March 2019

Nanotechnology peer reviewed articles-Lupine Publishers

γ-ray radiation was used to reduce graphene oxide thin films to partially reduced graphene oxide films at ambient conditions. Micro-Raman spectroscopy showed that irradiation of GO with γ-rays did not change the structure of graphene. The γ-rays are only active on the oxygen functional groups bonds because they are short and highly energized wavelengths. γ-rays penetrate the C-C lattice isotropically hence sustaining the graphene layer structure. This results in transparent and intact r-GO thin films with no structural defects. The defects on the structure would result to the opaqueness of the C-C lattice hence compromising the transparency of the material. The Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission Scanning electron, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectrometry are presented.To know more click on below link.

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