Friday 24 August 2018

Effectiveness of Textile Materials in Gynaecology and Obstetrics: (OAJRSD)- Lupine Publishers

Effectiveness of Textile Materials in Gynaecology and Obstetrics by Gokarneshan N in Open Access Journal of Reproductive System and Sexual Disorders in Lupine Publishers

The article reviews some significant advances in the use of textile materials in obstetrics and gynaecological procedures. Some developments in texture suture materials have been highlighted. Despite millennia of experience with wound closure biomaterials, no study or surgeon has yet identified the perfect suture for all situations. In recent years, a new class of suture material-barbed suture-has been introduced into the surgeon's armamentarium. Focus has been directed on barbed suture to better understand the role of this newer material in obstetrics and gynaecology. Cellulose nonwoven modified with chitosan nano particles has been developed and its physical-chemical, morphological and physical-mechanical aspects characterized in order to explore their possible use in medicine as gynaecological tampons. Tampons have been developed using viscose fibres coated by chitosan dissolve in acetic or lactic acids both inhibit the growth of micro organisms and adjust the pH. Such a tampon proved better than existing ones and thereby proves beneficial for pregnant women.

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