Tuesday 28 August 2018

Nanoparticles and the Building Industry-A Short Review: ANOAJ-Lupine Publishers

Nanoparticles have been used to protect the exteriors of built structures for many years, with nTiO2 having a major role in the production of self-cleaning surfaces. Photo catalysis leads to the liberation of substances such as Reactive Oxygen Species, which can effectively remove organic contaminants, including the disfiguring microbial growths, from the surfaces. Light exposure is not essential for this activity, however some engineered nanoparticles have been shown to have inherent antimicrobial properties. Other nanometals have been employed, sometimes together with TiO2, or with materials such as stone consolidants. A brief review of some recent research in the area, including ecological problems that can arise when the particles are released into the environment, is presented. It is essential that standard testing methods, both for nanoparticle efficacy and for ecotoxicological effects, be developed. Nanoparticles (NPs) of metal oxides have been used to protect building surfaces against microbial bio film formation for many years. NPs of TiO2 (n-TiO2), especially, have been used to produce surfaces that are self-cleaning on exposure to light, when photo catalytic activity destroys organic materials, including microorganisms.

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