Tuesday 30 October 2018

Guide Lines for Wet AMD Treatment (TOOAJ)- Lupine Publishers

To give practical guide lines for the management of neovascular AMD.Macular laser photocoagulation [Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS) can result in preventing severe loss of vision in about 50 percent of treated patients with extra/ juxta foveal CNV, with about 50 percent of patients developing recurrent choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM).Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin acts via activating a photosensitizing dye within the pathologic vessels by infrared laser leading to occlusion of choroidal new vessels with minimal damage to the retina. PDT can prevent 3-line vision loss in about 49 to 77 percent of treated patients but seldom improves vision .With the establishment of VEGF as the main cause for the development and progression of neovascularization, novel agents to block them and thereby preventing further progression was sought for. With the advent of anti-VEGF agents, the treatment for neovascular AMD has completely changed, with dramatic outcomes.

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