Monday 29 October 2018

Midwife: (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers

Midwife by Uqbah Iqbal in Open Access Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Lupine Publishers


The Malay institution is too unique. Various terms related to the individual involved arise based on their respective roles. Among the most popular to date are shaman, shamans, handlers and midwives. Although the field of medicine has grown with many new discoveries of science and technology, midwifery roles have never been affected especially in remote areas. Often midwives are required in urgent moments before the patient is taken to the hospital or clinic. In the cities there are midwives. These midwives are in hospitals or in private clinics. They have specialized qualifications in the field of birth and are more geared towards modern medicine. They are paid and considered as one of the public or private sector employees. For some societies, midwives are highly respected. This is because the average villagers consider the influence of a midwife very strong on the baby at birth. There is a belief that the life or death of the baby depends on the midwife’s own actions. Generally, midwives or callers who are more or less familiar with Tok Bidan or Mak Bidan play a role in welcoming the birth of a baby. Midwives are usually of a relatively old and experienced women in birth.

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