Monday, 20 August 2018

Survey on Pathological Lesion and Its Financial Losses in Ovine Slaughtered at Jimma Municipal Abattoir, Jimma, Ethiopia: (CDVS)-Lupine Publishers

A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2016 to July 2017 on ovine slaughtered at Jimma municipal abattoir with the aim of identifying main pathological lesions causing organs and carcass condemnation, and associated direct financial losses. In this, 384 sheep were recruited to the study using systematic random sampling and standard antemortem (AM), and postmortem inspection (PMI) procedures were employed. Nasal discharge, tick infestation, coughing, lameness, emaciation, depression and salivation are recorded as the major AM findings of the current study. Accordingly, 47 (12.2%) sheep showed signs of diseases and abnormalities; of which 23(6%) were conditionally approved whereas 11 (2.9%) sheep were unfit and judged to be detained and rejected. In the present study age, body conditions and geographic origin of the animals were considered as study variables, and the results showed BCS and age groups had statistically higher (p ≤ 0.05) rejection probabilities. PM examination findings indicated a total of 192 lesions were encountered, of which 48.9%, 29.2%, 6.8%, and 5.7% lesions were recorded from livers, lungs, GIT, and hearts and kidneys, respectively. During the PM inspection, both total and partial condemnation judgments were passed on organs and carcass appeared with a sign of abnormality. C. teniculosis 58 (30.2%), calcification 36(18.7%), abscess 31(16.2%), hydatid cyst 23 (12%), hepatitis 10 (5.2%), pericarditis 4(2%), bruise 3(1.6%) and nephritis 2(1%) were found to be the major pathological lesions recorded. In two sheep all organs and carcass were totally condemned as their entire bodies appeared yellowish. The direct loss due to the condemnation of organs and carcasses at Jimma municipal abattoir was also investigated in slaughtered sheep, and there were about 56,576 USD losses per year. In conclusion, this study has identified the pathological lesions affecting edible organs and meat, and then rendering them unfit for human consumption. The study also estimated pathological lesions associated direct financial losses at Jimma abattoir. Therefore, further studies focusing on the primary causes of the abnormalities were recommended in the study area.

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