Monday, 20 August 2018

The Comparison between Two Sternum Closure Techniques after Coronary Bypass Surgery; Sterna-Band® (Peninsula) and Sternum Band (Ethicon®): (ACR) - Lupine Publishers

Introduction: Recovery failures such as sternal dehiscence, sternal pain, sternal wound infections, osteomyelit and mediastinit can be seen after median sternotomy in coroner bypass surgery. In this study, two sternum band closure methods which we find more effective and secure than conventional sternal closure method are compared.
Method: In this prospective study that compares two sternal band closure techniques, 114 patients are divided in two groups as Group A (n=54) and Group B (n=60). This research compares the results for sternal dehiscence, sternal wound infections, sternal pain and mediastinit in these patient groups between December 2011 and July 2012.
Results: Out of the two, a meaningful recovery is achieved in Group A compared to Group B (p<0.05).No superficial woud infection,sternal dehiscence and mediastinit are found in patients of both band groups.
Conclusion: In this study, two different band closure techniques for sternotomy closure after the coroner bypass surgery are compared, and it is revealed that sternal pain index decreases meaningfully, compared to the other.


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