Monday, 20 August 2018

Allelopathic Potentiality of Celosia argentea L Review: (CIACR) - Lupine Publishers

Weeds are a mostly unwanted unplanted redundant plant that grows in crop fields and interfere the crop sociability, cause damage to natural resources and loss in yield. Although, they are an integral component with crop and enjoy lucrative business expressing that a natural phenomenon of one plant releases substance which affect the growth of other plant sharing the same habitat called allelopathy and chemical substance known as allele chemicals. These allele chemicals have ability to disturb metabolic functions including photosynthesis, respiration, mineral nutrition and such others through Allelopathic mechanism. They often affect germination and growth dynamics of crop plants. Allelopathy signifies either negatively or positively, resulting in inhibitory or stimulatory potential on neighboring plants. The weed, Celosia argentea L is predominately interfere in crop fields of cereals and legumes therefore, plant parts such as leaves, roots and inflorescence are showing their Allelopathic effects on seed germinations physiology and metabolisms of various crop plants. In this connection, the Allelopathic effect of C argentea is not studied extensively by workers; very few records are available so attempt has made to compile the Allelopathic influence of C argentea on various crop plants in this review

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