Monday, 20 August 2018

An Assessment of Relative Risks to Human/Ecological Health Biotech Crops versus Other Human Activities: (CIACR) - Lupine Publishers

The regulation of GM crops has been a subject of intense debate during the last two decades. These crops are being grown globally and the area occupied by these crops has been steadily increasing from a mere 1.7 million hectares in 1996 to a record level of >180 million hectares in the year 2014 covering 28 countries (for the first time the area decreased to 179.7mha in 2015). During the 20 years period of cultivation, no harmful effects of these crops have been reported anywhere. Despite this, there is a vehement opposition against cultivation of these crops, and unfortunately, this opposition is not based on science; those opposing the cultivation of these GM crops include civil society groups (CSGs), NGOs and a group of scientists. These groups constitute an anti-GM lobby, which doesn't seem to be concerned about other human activities, which are more alarming and causing a major harm to human and environment health. Therefore in this communication, the current status of GM crops, along with the impact of their cultivation is being presented first and then the effects of other human activities on human health and environment health described. While presenting this information, the question is being addressed to these groups (constituting an anti-GM lobby) that if they are really concerned about human and environment health and the future of mankind, why are they not addressing the problem of adverse effects of other human activities on human health and environment health, which are much more alarming.

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