The Study Process of Equalizing Temporary Sprinkler and a Substantiation of Parameters of Working Bodies by Manabaev NT Baimakhanov K* in Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research (CIACR) in Lupine Publishers
The article examines the processes of cutting temporary sprinklers for
irrigation of crops, periodic equalizer them after watering,
as well as provided the identified deficiencies and irrigation network
equalizers, agro-technical requirements to be met by irrigation
network and equalizers temporary sprinklers. A new technology sprinklers
equalizing time to address their weaknesses, as well as
workflow alignment. Currently operating equalizers cannot perform
quality work on the proposed authors equalizing technology.
Therefore, there is need for scientific substantiation of new working
body’s equalizers. Research was conducted manufacture different
variants of experimental models of working body for alignment sprinklers
and study parameters of working body equalizer performing
the proposed technology alignment. In justifying the blade parameters
used geometrical, physical and mathematical modeling techniques
based on the principle of similarity. After conducting experiments
obtained regression equation adequately describing the attractive
resistance dump, placement depth of the top layer of dry soil dam in the
recess, the value of the height irregularities after equalizing.
The result proved the rational parameters of heap equalizer temporary
sprinkler, which performs the proposed technology equalizing.
These reasonable working body parameters recommended for use in
development activities (R & D) in the manufacture of equalizer
model samplesopment of eroded and erosive dangerous soils of the
foothill zones, carried out based on soil erosion surveys of the farms
of the republic.
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