Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Effect of Grafting Technique on Productivity and Quality of Cantaloupe under Saline Irrigation Water: (CIACR) - Lupine Publishers

The high salinity of the irrigation water is the biggest challenge facing horizontal expansion of vegetable cultivation especially in the new reclaimed land. The high salinity of the irrigation water is of a deleterious effect on the cantaloupe production. Thus, this experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions during 2015 and 2016 autumn seasons in Moshtohor, Kalyobiya Governorate, Egypt to investigate the possibility of using grafting technique to ameliorate the negative effects of high salinity of irrigation water on cantaloupe productivity and its quality. Two commercial cultivars "Ideal and Veleta" were used as scion while Cobalt and Strong-Tosa were used as rootstocks. A modified tongue approach grafting method was used, and then seedlings were exposed to four salinity levels [0.8 (non-saline control), 3.9, 7.1 and 10 dSm-1]. The results showed that all investigated factors "salinity levels, cultivars and rootstocks" significantly affected cantaloupe productivity and quality. Where, the medium salinity level (3.9dS/m) resulted in the highest early yield, fruits number and total yield compared to all other salinity levels while the total yield decreased by 39.7% with increasing salinity levels up to 10dS/m. Whereas, graft combination of Ideal/Strong-Tosa increased the total yield by 53.1, 85.5, 43.8 and 1.4% at different salinity levels: control, 3.9, 7 and 10dS/m, respectively compared to the nongrafted plants of Ideal at non-saline control. This percentage was 38.4, 41.5, 19.3 and decline 13.1% with Veleta/Cobalt compared to the non-grafted plants of Veleta at non-saline control. Generally, when cantaloupe plants have to be irrigated with high salinity of irrigation water, it is recommended to cultivate grafted seedling resulted of Veleta/Cobalt and Ideal/Strong-Tosa where these plants resulted the highest benefit and income compared with those on its own roots (non-grafted plants) under saline conditions.

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